Beach Culture and the Absurd

Summer Portfolio One
‘Coast Loco’ is a beach specific series derived from seemingly mundane trips to the sand and collecting unremarkable pictures in volume. Later, the ploy becomes compositing interesting parts into a new whole, creating a beach culture fueled with madness and mass. That residual is what I am after. Absurdity is something we can both laugh with, and at ourselves. Lol!

Summer Portfolio Two
Beach culture has a style, a vibe, that is people based for sure. I think it is grand to photograph the quiet lonely beaches of SD County, but the truth of the matter, seldom is that seen in the summer months. Second, people come down to the sea to celebrate. It is a joyful event for families and individuals to sink the hours into, and go home with a little salt on them. I do thank those who have endorsed the ‘Coast Loco’ page on this site. I really have enjoyed creating my own vision of beach culture and fashion – by altering ,layering, and applying the absurd. .Skewed …i think is the word. Maybe bastardization.

Summer Portfolio Three
Yep there are a lot of images here. I photograph with two simple cameras, and one complicated one. But most of the images are post manipulated. That is where it gets to be fun! Especially when you create oppositions within layers and add elements for collage effects.

Another Day in Paradise
You are at Coast-Loco @ Thanks for visiting!
Sponsored in part by:
American Congo
Waist Deep Wear
Arlington Boards, HI