This series was built around rain events downtown during the wet winter of 2019.

In a sense, there is a majestic silence to each alley, a personality of sorts, weighted by history, and a survivor’s wherewithal. Wiser they are, and if one is to draw art from them, you do it on their terms. Otherwise, they may just give you an eyeful of not.

The flush of a winter storm, and the residuals left in puddles of reflective mirrors ….. is the equivalent of an alley in full bloom. At least in this artist’s awe..

Most of these alleys are approaching centenarian status. Think what they have witnessed over the decades? Think how the city has evolved? Today, I saw a Mercedes and two BMW’s in an alley off Michigan. They weren’t stolen, just appurtenant to short term rentals upstairs. That sort of evolution.

The alleys of Oceanside reflect a bygone city personality. Gritty and maybe harboring plenty of social/material discards. What makes an alley happy? What brings it back to youth? What can bring rejuvenation? Rain, silly.

Make no mistake, I have watched the alleys in my time here. Can’t place a finger on it, my interest. Aesthetically, so full of unrealized potential. I only changed perception in that wet winter. I went back for more, plenty of times. Not that I was chasing, just responding to an invitation.

So, with the advent of spring, and disappointed I had exhausted my last rain event, I planted a 4 inch daisy in the west alley between yadayada and yada. (Find it yourself, it actually is thriving upon last visit. Go figure? Rain has something to do with it)

Thank you for visiting Oceanside Alleys 2019. I hope you have found some grace in this expose. Plant a flower, not a aluminum can. That is OUR evolution here.